Wiliam Joyce Extracts

This page contains some extracts from other William Joyce (Lord Haw-Haw) radio speeches. Due to a ruling made at Joyce’s treason trial, only those speeches he made before 3 July 1940, when his UK Passport expired, were considered acts of treason.


Breslau, 5 July 1942:
“What is the outlook with regard to this second front today? … Germany would more cordially than ever welcome such a false move on the part of the enemy … I am doubtful whether the British Government will risk any invasion of Europe this year.”

Zeesen, 4 September 1943:
“Now that we have arrived in the fifth year of the war, I will only say that German victory is certain. The German people know that while many blows are yet to be struck, the final blow will be struck by Adolf Hitler.”

German European Service in English, 26 December 1943:
“Invasion of Europe will bring Allied disaster.”

“View on the News”, William Joyce, 4 January 1944:
“… But can the ordinary British soldier or sailor understand why he should have been expected to die in 1939 or 1940 or 1941 to restore an independent Poland on the old scale, whilst today he must die in order that the Soviets may rule Europe? Surely it must occur to him that he is the victim of false pretences. But after the the collapse of the Second Front the whole of the British people will want to know what compensation that can expect on the score of their sacrifices.”

“View on the News”, William Joyce, 31 January 1944:
“… If Churchill and Roosevelt keep their promise to launch an attack upon Europe in the West or elsewhere, the German Supreme Command has made full and satisfactory provisions to deal with any such contingency. There is no possibility that any such enterprise could succeed, and it is clear that if the British and Americans expose themselves to such mortal losses as the attempt to invade Europe would involve, it will only be because Stalin insists upon the venture.”

“View on the News”, William Joyce, 13 April 1944:
“If he responds to the insistent demands of the Kremlin for an invasion of Western Europe, the result will be not only a catastrophic defeat for the British forces, but a general weakening of Britain, the effects of which will last for many decades and possibly for generations. That is why Stalin is requesting the British fly to walk into the German parlour.”

“View on the News”, William Joyce, 17 April 1944:
“… There are today hundreds of thousands of British soldiers and sailors who will cease to live during the attempt to invade Western Europe. They are prepared to sacrifice their lives, but for what? For their country? Demonstrably not. Britain has only the prospect of stark poverty before her. For the rights of small nations? Certainly not. What British politicians wants to hear of Poland today? For what then, are these men to die? They are to die for the Jewish policy of Stalin and Roosevelt. If there is any other purpose to their actions, I challenge Mr. Churchill to tell them what it is.”

German European Service in English, 17 June 1944:
“Bombardment by a new device of centres essential to the British war effort. The action was long delayed, but who can deny that the moment selected for it was chosen most appropriately from the military point of view? … Germany has more secret weapons that one.”

German European Service in English, 7 January 1945:
“… the German command dictates the course of events in the winter battle in the west … collapse of the myth that the Reich will be overwhelmed by immense masses of British and U.S Troops, employing irresistible quantities of arms and equipment.”